I always get nervous when I know people are reading my books. I am like an anxious child, I know. There are a lot of bloggers who signed up to review which makes me giddy with excitement but also a little nauseous. Ha!
~Song of Sorrow (Book Three) is in the proofreader's hands. Yay! Working on the cover for that one so everyone can add it to their to-read shelves on GR.
~I am currently on Chapter 14 of Song of Shadows (Book Four).
~Also looking to the future and where we'll go next after this series is finished. Have a crazy idea to continue on with a mixture of characters from both series. There is just too much that can happen in Everealm. And just as the Everealm Series set events into motion which changed the realm, the Songs Series is doing that, as well. It will be nice to know what havoc those changes cause. We'll have to see where the story takes us! :)
If you signed up for the tour (to review or not), your copies of the first two Songs books have already gone out via Sara@YABound. If you couldn't join us on the tour, I have just sent your copies to you. I saw no reason to send them twice to the ones who were already doing the tour. If you are on the tour and didn't receive the copies from Sara, let me know. Things may have changed and they might not send review copies to everyone anymore.
Also, there are a few Family Trees that I put together (with the help of software). They are located in the back of the Songs books. Hopefully, it will help to keep everyone straight. They are not available on the blog because they are spoilers of the first series. However, if you can't see them very well in ebook form, there is a link there to larger ones on the blog (hidden page). Hope that makes sense!
Blog Tour Schedule –
July 25th
Mikayla's Bookshelf http://mikaylasbookshelf.blogspot.com Promo Post
WordishWonderland http://wordishwonderland.wordpress.com Review
The Book Adventures of Annelise Lestrange www.anneliselestrange.wordpress.com Promo Post
3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy,&,Sissy, Too! http://3partnersinshopping.blogspot.com Promo Post
Book-o-Craze http://book-o-craze.blogspot.gr/ Review
July 26th
The Travelogue of a book addict - The Book Drealms http://thebookdrealms.blogspot.com Review
Pippa Jay http://pippajay.co.uk Promo Post
Happy Tails and Tales Blog http://happytailsandtales.blogspot.com Review
Forever Obsession https://extreemeobsessed.blogspot.com Review
The Silver Dagger Scriptorium http://silver-dagger-scriptorium.weebly.com/ Review
Adventures Thru Wonderland http://adventuresthruwonderland.blogspot.com/ Promo Post
July 27th
Natural bri Www.goodreads.com/Naturalbri and www.facebook.com/naturalbripage Review
What Is That Book About www.whatisthatbookabout.com Promo Post
Trips down imagination road Http://a-reader-lives-a-thousand-lives.blogspot.co.uk Review
deal sharing aunt www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com Promo Post
alwaysjoart http://alwaysjoart.blogspot.com/ Promo Post
SolaFide Book Club http://solafidepublishing.net/solafide-self-publishing-and-book-blog/ Promo Post
July 28th
Million Book Mill http://www.millionbookmill.blogspot.com Review
Reading, Writing, and What Not http://pixiescanread.blogspot.com/ Review
Haddie's Haven https://haddieshaven.blogspot.com Review
Kovescence of the Mind http://kovescenceofthemind.blogspot.com/ Review
Don't Judge, Read http://dontjudgeread.blogspot.ca Review
July 29th
Laura's Interests http://dogsmomvisits.blogspot.com/ Review
books are love http://hello-booklover.tumblr.com Review
Books and Kats http://katticusbookreviews.blogspot.co.uk/ Review
Owl Always Be Reading Www.owlalwaysbereading.com Review
Literary Dust http://literarydust.wordpress.com Promo Post
Sylv all about books and film www.sylv.net Promo Post
Sylv all about books and film www.sylv.net Promo Post
I totally freaked out just now! I'm starting book 2 ;) ♥
Nice sshare
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